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Venture out to the Materuni Waterfall for an experience that's an adventure itself. Covering about 2.5 kilometers, your walk will take nearly 45 minutes to an hour, depending on your walking speed. The route, with its fair share of challenges, winds past coffee and banana farms, across small streams, and along slender paths. As you go, guides share intriguing information about the local plants, wildlife, and traditional uses of plants.

Arriving at the waterfall unveils a gratifying experience. Witnessing the vigorous cascade and feeling the cool mist pervading the air offer a revitalizing
Embark on a journey to Marangu and engage with the local Chagga culture. Absorb their customs and enjoy the vibrant traditional dances. Encourage the community by purchasing their unique handcrafted goods.

Moshi Town

Step into Moshi, the portal to the famed Kilimanjaro National Park. Roam the markets, taste Tanzania's dishes, or explore the Kilimanjaro Museum. Uncover the tales and environmental details of the renowned mountain.

Coffee Tour

Visit a local coffee plantation near Kilimanjaro. Learn about Tanzania's coffee heritage. Witness the coffee-making process and enjoy fresh co